Saturday, April 18, 2009

Trail Mix

I took the family out to watch the end of Trail mix for a bit today. Hyland park has what my kids call the most amazing playground ever, so it was an easy sell. We hit a couple geocaches as well so all in all it was a great day. The weather was lovely as well. I would have loved to run today, but although I feel like I'm recovering remarkably fast from Zumbro last week, I'm definitely not up for 50k this weekend.

We watched the finish from about 4:45 - 5:45 until my kids announced they would mutiny if we couldn't get to the play area. They lasted longer than I expected as it was, but they were having fun throwing stuff in the lake for an hour.

We joined Wayne and Kurt down by the lake cheering poeple on. We saw Karen Gall, Steve Quick, Carl Gammon, Nolan Barrios, and a few others that I recognized but don't know their names. Val Larosa was out running two large dogs, which seemed like a feat worth cheering for on its own, they looked like they could pull her into the lake in a second if they saw something worth chasing after!

Steve was my hero today, out there slugging it out with a great 5 hour even finishing time after having completed Zumbro last weekend, what a trooper. Carl finished with his first sub 6 hr 50k "since he was a youngster" Great job to all!

A few more photos.


Adam said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! Great report, sounds like a really fun race. Now you know where you need to come to train for it next year right?

Matthew Patten said...

I have to say.... Nolan looks like a fashion nightmare in that picture (this coming from a guy who wore a purple hat with a red jacket).

Good pics. Looked like fun.

I had fun sitting at home, doing yard work, taking the weekend off from running.

Wayne said...

Zach, it was nice to see you and your family at Trail Mix. And, Congratulations on your 100 mile finish at the Zumbro 100!!

SteveQ said...

Oh good lord, that one photo of me makes me hurt just looking at it!

I loved hearing the kids cheering for me as they multitasked (looking for frogs, maybe?)

Zach said...

Yeah, they were busy throwing stuff into the lake, pulling stuff out of the lake, pulling stuff out of the lake to throw into the lake, collecting stuff in their pockets as a surprise for dad next time he does laundry :)